2015-2017 Catalog

HSC-100 Basic Nursing Concepts

This course will serve as a review and update of content covered in a practical nursing program. It also will include an orientation to the Nursing A.A.S. Program and professional nursing to assist LPNs successful transition to the new role. The course will focus on utilizing the nursing process with emphasis on assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning of interventions, and evaluation of care. Nursing content and concepts related to commonly occurring alterations will be reviewed, as well as principles of selected psychomotor skills. Demonstration of competencies appropriate to this level student will be required. (3 contact hours)

Credit Hours



Current LPN licensure and admission to ADN program or faculty recommendation for ongoing ADN students. (Note: For students who graduated five years or more ago from a nursing program, admission and awarding of credit for prior learning will be based on individual assessment. Students graduating from non-NLN accredited nursing programs will apply for transfer based on individual competencies, not the program articulation mandates set forth in the Illinois Articulation Initiative).

