MTH-120 General Education Mathematics
This survey course is designed to help students develop competency in problem analysis and problem solving, multi-step decision making, and quantitative reasoning. The course focuses on mathematical reasoning, mathematical modeling, and the solving of real-life problems involving mathematics. Analysis of mathematical models and written laboratory projects are integral parts of this course. Hand-held calculators and computers will be used as tools in decision making. The course covers three or four of the following topics in depth: counting techniques and probability, game theory, graph theory, linear programming, logic/set theory, mathematics of finance, and statistics. This course is not intended as a prerequisite for any other course in math and is not intended for engineering or science majors. Its primary goal is to help the general liberal arts student gain the level of numerical literacy and problem-solving skill necessary to become an educated citizen. (3 contact hours)
2 years of high school math including algebra and geometry, and appropriate placement test score, or
MTH-097 and
MTH-098 with a minimum grade of "C"
Mathematics/Computer Science
IAI Code
M1 904