2015-2017 Catalog

PSR-130 Health Skills for Psychiatric Rehab.

This course examines three dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional and environmental. This organization uses a multidimensional model of health based on wellness continua in each dimension. This view that wellness is more than the absence of illness guides students through discussions and skill development designed to improve the overall well-being of persons with severe mental illness. The orientation of the course is more practical than theoretical and there is considerable opportunity to observe and practice relevant skills. Students will learn the fundamentals of physical wellness, including diet, nutrition, exercise, sanitation, disease prevention and control, and special health considerations for persons with severe mental illness. The emotional dimension of wellness includes social support, physical and sensory accommodations, and geriatric and developmental disabilities. Students will learn the essentials of environmental safety, including use of safety equipment and proper. (3 contact hours)






Registration or credit in PSR-230


Public Services