2015-2017 Catalog

General Education Goals and Objectives

The general education program at Moraine Valley is designed to enable students to write, read and listen critically; to investigate, analyze and think independently; to communicate clearly and effectively; to make informed decisions; to respect the diversity in human values and cultural orientation; to identify and appreciate facts, concepts and perspectives within the fundamental areas of knowledge; to protect and enhance the social, environmental, and economic resources needed by future generations; and to foster intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning.

The specific objectives of the general education program are to develop in each student the following traits and abilities:


Read and listen with comprehension.

Write and speak effectively in standard English.

Reasoning Ability

Identify and solve problems.

Information Literacy

Locate, evaluate and use information effectively.

Quantitative Analysis

Analyze, interpret and apply numerical, graphical, and statistical data and concepts.

Scientific and Technological Awareness

Apply the scientific method of inquiry.

Technological Competency

Use computer information systems and other technology efficiently.

Social Sciences Perspective

Apply basic principles of social and behavioral sciences influencing individuals and groups.

Literary and Artistic Insight

Appreciate the nature of literary, philosophical and artistic expression and how particular works have contributed to the ideas and culture of the past and present.

Valuing Diversity

Value diversity’s influences on experiences, values, and thoughts of individuals and cultures.

Global Awareness

Recognize major institutions, persons, ideologies, and events that have shaped the nature and cultures of the world.

Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Work effectively with others.

Recognize one’s ethical, legal, social, and sustainable responsibilities.