2019-2020 Catalog

HSC-150 Basic Nurse Assistant Training

Upon successful completion of this 144-hour course, approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health, students may apply for the State certification exam and subsequent employment as a Certified Nurse Aide in long-term care facilities, home health agencies, and hospitals. Lecture and lab sessions will be conducted on campus, with clinical rotations conducted at long-term care facilities.  Participation requires MVCC student ID, uniform, stethoscope, required course books, wristwatch with second hand, health insurance, American Heart Association (AHA) CPR for Health Care Providers, and physical examination with required laboratory titers and other  required test 10-14 days prior to the start of the clinical sessions. To continue in this course, it is mandatory that all students complete a criminal background check application at the first class session. Attendance within the course is mandatory as these account for the 144-hours within the course. Students must attend all lab and clinical sessions, as makeup sessions are not available for these eight-hour sessions. Clinical schedule times will vary dependent upon site. Fee is required. (9.5 contact hours)

Credit Hours



RDG-071 or placement at or above RDG-091 or IEL-096, minimum of 17 years of age, a valid U.S. Social Security Number, and submission to live scan electronic fingerprinting

