2020-2021 Catalog

PSG-115 Polysomnography Patient Care II

This course is structured to provide didactic instruction in advanced aspects of sleep technology, including pediatrics, PAP titration, oxygen administration, staging and scoring routine and split night studies, MSLT and MWT studies. Discuss laboratory emergencies, sleep center management, patient education, sleep disorders prevalence, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Sleep and medical disorders are investigated. This course also provides an in-depth view of sleep as a public health issue and the role of the sleep technologist in advocacy for and enhancement of the profession. This course provides the cognitive skills required for students to perform polysomnograpy in a clinical setting. (4 contact hours)




PSG-105, PSG-110, and PSG-112. Current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR certification. Complete History and Physical form including insurance and drug screening. Completed criminal background check.




Health Sciences