2020-2021 Catalog

Grade Point Values and Average

Each letter grade is assigned a specific grade point value per credit hour; however, only certain letter grades are used in the calculation of the student grade point average (GPA), and only certain letter grades will earn college credit. The student should consult the table below:

Letter Grade Grade Points Value Per Credit Hour Used in GPA Calculation College Credit Earned
A 4.0 Yes Yes
B 3.0 Yes Yes
C 2.0 Yes Yes
D 1.0 Yes Yes
F 0 Yes No
U 0 No No
I 0 No No
W 0 No No
P 0 No Yes

Calculations of Grade Point Average

The college uses the grade point average (GPA) as a measure of academic quality and academic progress. However, the student must be aware of the following distinctions used by the college in the reporting and calculation of the GPA.

For the purposes of the semester grade report, official transcript, honors at graduation, and the President’s and Dean’s Lists, the GPA calculation will not include developmental and remedial courses. Exception: for the purposes of Illinois Veteran Grants, financial aid, and Standards of Academic Progress, the GPA calculation will include developmental and remedial courses. Developmental and remedial courses include, but are not limited to, COM-085, COM-090; COS-041; IEL-062, IEL-064, IEL-066, IEL-072, IEL-074, IEL-076, IEL-082, IEL-084, IEL-086, IEL-092, IEL-094, IEL-096; MTH-060, MTH-070, MTH-080, MTH-090, MTH-095, MTH-096, MTH-097, MTH-098; and RDG-041, RDG-071, RDG-091.

Example Calculation (Semester Grade Report)

Letter Grade Credit Grade
Course Grade Point Value Hours Points
COM 101 B 3 x 3 = 9
PSY 101 D 1 x 3 = 3
MTH 095* C 0 x 0 = 0
BIO 111 A 4 x 4 = 16
CIS 101 F 0 x 3 = 0
Totals* 13 28

* Since developmental and remedial courses are not included in the GPA calculation, the “grade point value” and “credit hours” are zero. Thus, dividing 28 grade points by 13 credit hours gives a GPA of 2.154.

A student’s cumulative GPA is calculated by using total grade points divided by total credit hours attempted.

President's List and Dean's List

To be eligible for the President’s List and Dean’s List for a given semester, students must earn credit in at least nine credit hours of college credit courses which count toward a certificate or a degree.

Students who meet the eligibility requirements and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average (excluding developmental and remedial courses) will be named to the Dean’s List. Students who meet the eligibility requirements and earn at least a 3.75 grade point average (excluding developmental and remedial courses) will be named to the President’s List. “D,” “F” or “I” grades will exclude a student from qualifying for the President’s or Dean’s List.

Developmental and remedial courses include, but are not limited to, COM-085, COM-090; COS-041; IEL-062, IEL-064, IEL-066, IEL-072, IEL-074, IEL-076, IEL-082, IEL-084, IEL-086, IEL-092, IEL-094, IEL-096, MTH-060, MTH-070, MTH-080, MTH-090, MTH-095, MTH-096, MTH-097, MTH-098; and RDG-041, RDG-071, RDG-091.

Part-Time Student Scholastic Achievement List

Moraine Valley Community College acknowledges the challenges of students who balance work, family and school responsibilities and recognizes the academic excellence of part-time students through the Part-Time Student Scholastic Achievement List. To be recognized for scholastic achievement, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Earn at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average with at least 24 credit hours (excluding developmental courses).
  • Earn at least a 3.5 grade point average for the semester that the distinction is received.
  • Attempt less than 12 credit hours of college credit courses which count toward a degree or certificate during the semester that the distinction is received.
  • Attempt at least 3 to 8 credit hours for the semester that the distinction is received (excluding developmental courses).

Note: Grades of “D,” “F,” or “I” will exclude a student from qualifying for the Scholastic Achievement List.