2022-2023 Catalog

EDU-106 Language and Linguistics

This course will focus on language and linguistics for the pre-K to 12 classrooms. It will compare what languages have in common as well as how they differ. As an introduction to the science of language, this course surveys the main branches of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and sociolinguistics, as they apply to language learning and teaching. However, no background in linguistics or any foreign language study is required or assumed in the course. A clinical component of 5 hours in a center or school setting with bilingual or multilingual students is required for this course. This is a required course for the Illinois State Board of Education ESL Teacher Certification as well as for Early Childhood Gateways Level 2,3,4 Bilingual Credential.  Fee is required. (3 contact hours)

Credit Hours



Social Science