2022-2023 Catalog

NUR-145 Nursing Enrichment I Special Topics

This is a dynamic seminar style course for students who intend to repeat a 100-level course in which they were not successful and is required in the Nursing Program curriculum. Topics will focus on identified areas of weakness as defined with the instructor on the first day of class. Students will care for simulated patients in the nursing lab who represent the variety and acuity seen in the clinical of their current semester. Course content will vary for each student depending on the courses that students are preparing to repeat as well as fundamental concepts necessary in all nursing courses. All discussions will incorporate Institute of Medicine (IOM) standards, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and the nursing process. Students may enroll for credit up to three times. The topics will be different in each semester. Fee is required. (2 contact hours)

Credit Hours


