2024-2025 Catalog

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy

Each student is expected to be honest in their class work. The college regards cheating or plagiarism in the classroom, testing center and laboratories, and on assignments or examinations, as a serious offense. Instructors at the college will clearly state their cheating or plagiarism policies and penalties in their course syllabi. The penalty may include a grade of “F” being entered for the student for the course. All incidents of cheating or plagiarism must be reported to the appropriate subdivision office using the official Academic Dishonesty Form. (See Code of Academic Integrity)

Multiple Violations of the Code of Academic Integrity*

Any violation of the Code of Academic Integrity is a serious offense. Multiple violations of the Code of Academic Integrity represent a breach in the trust given to members of our academic community and risk dismissal from the college. Students who wish to appeal decisions made by faculty members concerning grades given due to violations of Academic Integrity may refer to Student Complaint and Hearing Process. Students who have multiple violations will be subject to the following:

Status Violations Result Action**
Warning 1 Violation Penalty as defined in the course syllabus and college policy.
Caution 2 Violations In order to register for class, student will be referred to a counselor to determine if any remediation is needed.
Suspension 3 Violations The student will be suspended for a semester. Upon return, student will be referred to a counselor for further remediation/assistance to prevent future violations.
Dismissal 4 Violations The student will be dismissed from Moraine Valley. After a year, the student may appeal to the Dean of Student Engagement.

*Career programs that have special admission applications and/or program handbooks may dismiss students from a program after one violation of the Code of Academic Integrity. A record of the violation will be filed with the Academic Services Office.

**Moraine Valley current or former students who sign a release form to share their academic and conduct records with outside entities may be sharing a record of academic dishonesty if the occurrence was within the last three years.