Job Resource Center
The Job Resource Center provides individual assistance, employer resources, job search skills workshops, online resources, and internship assistance. Located in S202, the center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (708) 974-5737,
Services include the following:
College Central Network— Free online job listing service. Employers from a consortium of Illinois community colleges post job openings. Students obtain a password, construct a resume and can search for employment opportunities online.
Student Employment— All campus student employee positions are posted on College Central Network.
Career-Related Workshops— Workshops are offered during the fall and spring semesters. Areas covered include resume writing, cover letters, interviewing, job search strategies, internships, and other career related issues.
On-Campus Recruitment— Employers come to campus to recruit candidates for their positions. These visits are set up and advertised by the Job Resource Center.
Non-Traditional Careers Program— Non-Traditional Careers program brings awareness and exposure of career opportunities in which 25 percent or less of a certain gender is represented; for instance, men in nursing and women in automotive technology. This program also provides informational resources to help sustain students who are currently enrolled in non-traditional career fields.
Internship Program— Internships give students the opportunity to explore careers, make valuable contacts, gain industry-specific experience, and learn about themselves and the types of jobs that are available. Internships can be paid or unpaid.
Job Fairs and Other Events— Job and internship fairs occur in the spring and fall. A mock interview day also is offered during the fall and spring, featuring real employers giving feedback in a mock interview situation.