2015-2017 Catalog


There are approximately 5,000 parking spaces on the Moraine Valley campus. These spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A properly displayed permit is required for faculty, visitor and handicapped parking. Vehicles parked in violation of the restricted areas will be issued a parking citation with a fine of $30, and a fine of $250 for handicapped violations. Individuals or groups with questions concerning parking or parking permits should contact the Police Department at (708) 974-5555. morainevalley.edu/police

Appeal Policy It is the policy of the Police Department to fairly and impartially enforce the parking regulations at Moraine Valley. In the interest of the fair and impartial administration of justice, any person issued a ­citation at Moraine Valley may appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by the Moraine Valley parking appeal officer. A second review (if needed and/or requested) will be processed by the appropriate Moraine Valley vice president.

The appellant must fill out the appeal form completely, including all details which it is claimed excuse the parking violation. Every appeal will be reviewed on an individual basis. For first offenders, whether student, staff, faculty, or visitor, the review will result in a determination of:

  1. No justification—Full fine due
  2. Partial justification—1/2 fine due
  3. Full justification—No fine due

The review of any individual’s subsequent violation will be more stringent.