2018-2019 Catalog

Residency Policy

A resident must live in the Moraine Valley Community College district at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester and meet at least one of these criteria:

  • Under 18 whose parents or legal guardians reside in the college district;
  • Under 18 who is married and who is established in a permanent family residence in the district;
  • Under 18 who resides in the district in a dwelling he or she has purchased; and/or
  • 18 or older who resides in the district, providing residence was not for the sole purpose of attending college.

Students shall be classified as residents of a community college district without meeting the 30-day residency requirement of the district if they are currently residing in the district and are youth (i) who are currently under the legal guardianship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or have recently been emancipated from the Department, and (ii) who had previously met the 30-day residency requirement of the district but who had a placement change into a new community college district. (Public Act 99-0845) 

View the campus map. Or, to verify your residency status, call (708) 974-2110.

Tuition rates are determined by the legal residence of the student. These rates are lower for residents of the Moraine Valley Community College district than they are for out-of-district residents who attend Moraine Valley. A student who temporarily moves into the district for the purpose of attending the college at a reduced tuition rate will not be considered as having established a bona fide residence within the district.

It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate residency status. A student may be asked to display verification of residence before class registration can be completed. The following documents may be presented to verify residency: property tax statement, driver’s license, Illinois state ID card, vehicle registration, copy of lease or purchase agreement, utility bill, or voter’s registration card. Documents or bills that are used to verify residence are required to be in the student’s name.

Residency status is determined at the time of registration. It will not be changed after the refund period for that semester.

The dean of Enrollment Services or a chosen representative will determine whether an applicant meets the residency criterion.